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Online news from the sports world in one place

One of our largest projects is our web portal, which brings all the latest coverage from all major international competitions and events across the world. is an online results service covering not only top-level competitions in football, ice hockey and tennis, but also lower divisions of sports in Czechia and Slovakia. Our editors give real-time text reports from all matches in the top three football and ice hockey leagues in the Czech Republic. We also cover other sports, such as handball, volleyball, basketball, floorball, ball hockey, etc. and provide up to date live reporting from youth sports leagues and competitions.

Site visitors can watch online news streams from around the world, including live streams from the most popular football and ice hockey leagues, the biggest sporting events, like World Championships, Olympic Games and other national sports.

Web content is provided by an international team of collaborators from Czechia, Slovakia, Poland, Hungary and other countries. More than 1,000 editors are involved in the project and provide an average of 90 live broadcasts a day in various languages.

Leading Czech and Slovak sports networks rely on our text broadcasts. Long-term clients include popular websites, and Broadcasts from our reporters even make their way onto official websites of football and hockey federations. We can also integrate our online streams into websites of professional sports teams. is one of the most watched sports websites in Czechia. More than three million users find their way onto our page each year, and their numbers are constantly growing!

Clients that utilise
Fortuna liga
3,4 mil.

in 2020

36 mil.

Site visitors
in 2020

31 423

Live broadcasts
in 2020

1 000+



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